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martes, agosto 01, 2006


02/08/2006 - New remix of Spank Rock "Sweet Talk" by Dj BC.
07/08/2006 - New remix of Datarock "I Used To Dance With My Daddy" by Dsico
10/08/2006 - New remix of Spank Rock "Far Left" y Le Sport "It's not the end of the world"

There's a lot of non-spanish people who is interested about Proyecto Batidora, so I'm gonna explain it. Proyecto Batidora is, essentialy, a multiremix contest with some bands as Le Sport, Spank Rock and Datarock. In a few days, Spinto Band and Client will join the project too. Bands mentiones before have sent to us one song separated in wav tracks so people (like yours) can remix it. You can download the tracks here. Send the remixes to . The remixes will be shown in Buffet Libre and people will decide which is better. The winning remixes will be sent to the band who will show the remix in their website. Buffet Libre will autoedit a CD with the winning remixes. Remix and welcome to Buffet Libre!

  • LE SPORT "It's not the end of the world"

Original (mp3) : It's not the end of the world
Separated tracks: It's not the end of the world
Separated tracks (alternative link) : It's not the end of the world

Remixes already sent to Buffet Libre:
Le Sport - It's not the End Of the World (But I'm Waiting , DSICO remix for Buffet Libre)
Le Sport - It's not the end of the world (Madviolence No Party Remix for Buffet Libre)

  • SPANK ROCK "Sweet Talk"
Original (mp3) : Sweet Talk

Separated tracks: Voz acapella1 , Voz acapella2

Remixes already sent to Buffet Libre:
Spank Rock -Sweet Talk(djbccoldskoolmix for buffet libre)

  • SPANK ROCK "For Left"

Separated tracks: Far Left

Remixes already sent to Buffet Libre:
Spank Rock - For Left (Eriksolo remix for Buffet Libre)
Spank Rock - Far Left (Bloodbeezy remix for Buffet Libre)

  • DATAROCK "I Used to dance with My Daddy"
Original (mp3) I Used To Dance With My Daddy

Separated tracks (wav) I Used To Dance With My Daddy

Separated tracks (mp3) I Used To Dance With My Daddy

Remixes already sent to Buffet Libre:
Datarock - I Used To Dance With My Daddy (Disco Acid Mix for Buffet Libre)


Anonymous Anónimo said...

none of the wav files work on OS X 10.4 for me :(
tried to get the mp3s but that didn't let me download.

4:31 a. m.  

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